Help save the ocean with the Ocean Protector Mosasaurus! Dive into thrilling action and adventure play inspired by Jurassic World: Dominion with this colossal-sized queen of the ocean that's actually helping protect our waterways! This toy is made from 1 pound of recycled plastic that is sourced within 31 miles of waterways in areas lacking formal waste collection systems. The realistic sculpting and moveable joints really bring this movie inspired creature to life in a huge way! This massive action figure is 8.5 in tall and almost 30 IN LONG, with a movable jaw, to dominate any dinosaur play scene! Bring the Mosa TO LIFE with extended digital play using Augmented Reality! Dare to see how REAL dinosaur play can get! Just scan the hidden DNA code with any smart device to unlock the AR experiences in the free Jurassic World Facts app. Smart device not included. Makes a great gift for Jurassic World fans and ocean-lovers ages 4 years old and up. Dimensions, colors and decorations may vary.​

  • ​Jurassic World: Dominion brings new dinosaur action and thrills, including the Mosasaurus, the colossal swimming dinosaur. This massive toy inspired by the movie will bring big excitement home!
  • ​With realistic sculpting and articulation, this colossal creature come to life, including a wide-opening jaw!
  • ​This toy is made from one pound of recycled plastic that is sourced within 31 miles of waterways in areas lacking formal waste collection systems.
  • ​This action figure is inspired by the movie and comes in a massive size that will thrill fans at 8.5 inches high and almost 30 inches long!
  • ​Download the free Jurassic World Facts app (Android and iOS) and see dinosaur play get REAL! Find the hidden DNA code and scan it with any smart device to initiate Augmented Reality options. Smart device not included.
  • Additional Information

    • SKN: 547328
    • ID: 54024B36
    • UPC: 194735058136
    • MFR Number: HGV34
    • Ship to Quebec: Yes
    • Toysrus Recommended Age: 5 - 8 years
    • Language: Bilingual


    • Assembly Required: No
    • Item Height: 8.50 inches
    • Item Length: 17.00 inches
    • Item Weight: 0.33 lbs
    • Item Width: 4.00 inches


    • Batteries Included: No
    • Batteries Required: No

    <!--begin-bvseo-reviews--> <!--begin-reviews--> <div id="bvseo-reviewsSection"> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="219393750"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">1</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Dinomom3</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Tail falls off and won&rsquo;t stay on</span> <span itemprop="description">I bought this Dino for my son this summer and it was one he really was looking forward to taking on our summer vacation to the lake and grandmas pool. Within a week the tail fell off for the first time&hellip; I was able to reattach but it continued to do so and each time it stayed on shorter and shorter amounts of time. It now will not stay on at all and I&rsquo;ve even tried hot gluing or super gluing it together. We went on a Long summer vacation shortly after buying it so I didn&rsquo;t have time to attempt to return it but for the money I am pretty disappointed in it. I&rsquo;m assuming ours was somehow defective since we have a friend who got one close to when we got ours and they haven&rsquo;t had an issue.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-08-29</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-08-29" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="1122193569"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">elviracmoi</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">fabuleux</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] En ouvrant le colis j'ai &eacute;t&eacute; directement impressionn&eacute; par le r&eacute;el du Mausasaurus, et la qualit&eacute; au toucher. Mon fils est fan du film donc il l'a tr&egrave;s vite adopt&eacute;. Il est tr&egrave;s bien &eacute;tudi&eacute; et aucune pi&egrave;ce dangereuse pour l'enfant.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-16</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-07-16" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="1122127579"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Lyly33</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Dinosaure grande taille</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Mon fils est ravi de se dinosaure. Il est vraiment grand ce qui permet &agrave; l'enfant de pouvoir jouer avec et de bien le prendre en main. Il a de beaux d&eacute;tails. Il dispose d'une petite plaquette qui se l&egrave;ve dans la queue avec un code dessus, avec l'application (compatible Android et ios), il suffit de flasher ce code et on y d&eacute;couvre pleins de chose sur les dinosaures (jeux, d&eacute;tails etc...). Un jeu vraiment tr&egrave;s complet qui ravira tout les enfants, j'en suis s&ucirc;re et en plus il est fait avec les mat&eacute;riaux recycl&eacute;s c'est vraiment g&eacute;nial</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-15</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-07-15" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="1122065574"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Noaliya</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Un grand mosasaurus</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Mon fils a eu ce mosasaurus il y a quelques semaines et il est tr&egrave;s ravi . Ce dinosaure est grand. Il est l&eacute;ger. Il est d'une tr&egrave;s bonne mati&egrave;re. L'effet r&eacute;aliste est tr&egrave;s surprenant. Mon fils aime jouer avec ce dinosaure qui vient agrandir sa collection.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-14</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-07-14" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="1122064734"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">hananeazizou</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Realiste</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Le mosasaurus est vraiment super bien fait il y a beaucoup de d&eacute;tails qui le rend r&eacute;aliste.Mon fils adore jouer avec il est articul&eacute; et la prise en main est facile.Sa taille est grande pour de belles aventures</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-14</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-07-14" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="1121974896"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Mamenfolie</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Sympa</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Acquis pour mon fils de 8 ans qui est passionn&eacute; de dinosaures, il a &eacute;t&eacute; ravie de d&eacute;couvrir ce mosasaure! Tr&egrave;s bien articul&eacute; et resistant, il vient compl&eacute;ter sa superbe collection. On regrette juste, au vu du prix, qu'il n'est pas une fonction qui reproduise son bruit.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-12</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-07-12" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="1121970310"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Nado</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Totalement fan</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Magnifique dinosaure (le mosasaure celui du film Jurrasic World 3) qui vient s'ajout&eacute; dans la collection de mon fils. Il est robuste avec de bonnes finitions mon fils est heureux et ne le quitte plus !</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-12</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-07-12" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="1121965169"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Adelnicolas</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Jouet tr&egrave;s appr&eacute;ci&eacute;</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Objet offert &agrave; mon fils qui s est empress&eacute; de jouer avec. Il est tr&egrave;s beau tr&egrave;s grand il l adore. La bouche s ouvre. Meme si maman pense qu'il prend trop de place. Dommage qu'il ne fasse pas de bruit....</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-12</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-07-12" /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection')) { document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!--end-reviews--> <!--begin-pagination--> <ul id="bvseo-paginationSection"> <li class="bvseo-paginationItem"><a class="bvseo-paginationLink" href="">Jurassic World: Dominion Ocean Protector Mosasaurus Dinosaur Figure Reviews - page 2</a></li> </ul> <!--end-pagination--> <ul id="BVSEO_meta" style="display:none!important"> <li data-bvseo="bvDateModified">y_2025, m_1, d_29, h_5</li> <li data-bvseo="ps">bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42</li> <li data-bvseo="cp">cp_1, bvpage1</li> <li data-bvseo="co">co_hasreviews, tv_4, tr_34</li> <li data-bvseo="cf">loc_en_CA, sid_54024B36, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]</li> <li data-bvseo="diagnostics">clientName_toysrus-ca</li> </ul> <!--end-bvseo-reviews--> <ul id="BVSEOSDK_meta" style="display: none !important;"> <li data-bvseo="sdk">bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0</li> <li data-bvseo="sp_mt">CLOUD, getReviews, 6ms</li> <li data-bvseo="ct_st">reviews, product</li> </ul>
    Jurassic World: Dominion Ocean Protector Mosasaurus Dinosaur Figure is rated 4.5 out of 5 by 38.
    • y_2025, m_1, d_29, h_5
    • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
    • cp_1, bvpage1
    • co_hasreviews, tv_4, tr_34
    • loc_en_CA, sid_54024B36, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]
    • clientName_toysrus-ca
    • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 5ms
    • reviews, product
    <!--begin-bvseo-questions--> <!--begin-questions--> <div id="bvseo-questionsSection"> <div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5984224"> <h2 class="bvseo-question"> Can this toy be played with in water?&amp;nbsp; </h2> <div class="bvseo-question-detail"> </div> <div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Mosa14</div> <div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="6503434"> Yes, this can be used in water. <div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Mattel Consumer Services</div> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-11-24</div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById('bvseo-questionsSection')) { document.getElementById('bvseo-questionsSection').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!--end-questions--> <ul id="BVSEO_meta" style="display:none!important"> <li data-bvseo="bvDateModified">y_2025, m_1, d_30, h_5CST</li> <li data-bvseo="ps">bvseo_bulk, prod_bvqa, vn_bulk_3.0.42</li> <li data-bvseo="cp">cp_1, bvpage1</li> <li data-bvseo="co">co_hasquestionsanswers, tq_1</li> <li data-bvseo="cf">loc_en_CA, sid_54024B36, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=LAST_APPROVED_ANSWER_SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]</li> <li data-bvseo="diagnostics">clientName_toysrus-ca</li> </ul> <!--end-bvseo-questions--> <ul id="BVSEOSDK_meta" style="display: none !important;"> <li data-bvseo="sdk">bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0</li> <li data-bvseo="sp_mt">CLOUD, getContent, 5ms</li> <li data-bvseo="ct_st">questions, product</li> </ul>

    ​Jurassic World: Dominion Ocean Protector Mosasaurus Dinosaur Figure 

    SKN: 547328

    Jurassic World: Dominion Ocean Protector Mosasaurus Dinosaur Figure is rated 4.5 out of 5 by 38.
    • y_2025, m_1, d_29, h_5
    • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
    • cp_1, bvpage1
    • co_hasreviews, tv_4, tr_34
    • loc_en_CA, sid_54024B36, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]
    • clientName_toysrus-ca
    • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 5ms
    • reviews, product
    Website Price: $51.98
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